I had been starting down the road of helping to translate some of the business experiences I have had into useful articles for the artistic person launching their own business. This particular article was going to be on breaking down some of your lofty ideas into activities that will help you achieve your goals.
I started reading Modish Biz Tips and found she was already creating some fantastic business advice. One of the exercises that I'm looking forward to doing is writing my business plan for my business, Kanna Glass Studios. So, I've decided to continue my "A Business Bite" section but focus on my experiences as a project manager and translate stuffy business terms into "artish" (a term coined by the lovely Ms. Plume.)
Dreams and Imagination
What do you dream in? [Stuffy business term: mission/vision statement.] Do you look at something and think of how you can express that in: glass, silver, yarn, fabric, paint, words, poetry, a play, a photograph, a story, music? What is it you do that you would do freely simply because you love it so much? What do you do that money isn't an object...you simply must do? This is your passion.
Additional food for thought: when I started my newsletter, I was looking for help to create a newsletter that was useful and inspirational. On the newsletter service I use, Constant Contact, I found a link to Blue Penguin Development which is a very specific service of helping you write a good e-newsletter. I perused his archived newsletters and found this little gem on writing a vision statement. (Note on semantics: mission statement or vision statement...that's the stuffy business term...we're going to go with what do you dream in.)
Part II Next Monday!
...i am a very visual person...i think & dream in color...i frame my visions...looking at the world thru a viewfinder's eye...framing precise moments of life that are only part of the whole picture we live...