Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Effectively Organized: The Messy Workspace

How does your creative space look? In this scenario, this is an area where I start cleaning and then I don't get any further because I get distracted with something serendipitously falling next to each other. Food is a distraction so I shovel food into my mouth and pile up the plates while I pursue the ideas in my head. Once I start working and creating, my tidy space turns to complete chaos. I love the interesting juxtaposition of random things falling in place next to each other. For me, chaos sparks my creativity. 

But, when I want to get work done, I like tidiness. This studio space KonMari-ed, but it's still too much designed for a hobby not a business. While it was easy to hit the "re-set" button on the space and put things away, it wasn't as conducive to large production as I needed it to be.